Tag: chrome

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  • If You Run The Great Suspender Plugin, STOP NOW!

    If You Run The Great Suspender Plugin, STOP NOW!

    The Great Suspender plugin was once a must-have for Chrome/Chromium browsers, but new owners mean you should uninstall it immediately!

  • Antitrust Behavior of 4 Tech Juggernauts

    Antitrust Behavior of 4 Tech Juggernauts

    The House has finished its antitrust complaints against 4 tech giants – and it’s not good.

  • Apple Makes Fingerprinting (A Bit) Harder

    Apple Makes Fingerprinting (A Bit) Harder

    Your browser has a unique fingerprint, but Apple recently rejected some features to make it even more identifiable.

  • June 2020 Tech Round-Up

    June 2020 Tech Round-Up

    A busy month: WordPress attacks, software vulnerabilities, malicious Chrome extensions, WWDC, and more.

  • May 2020 Tech Roundup

    May 2020 Tech Roundup

    May 2020 had LOT of security and privacy news: WordPress plugin hacks, Android and email viruses, user data for sale, and some cool new hardware!

  • February 2020 Tech Round-Up

    February 2020 Tech Round-Up

    With the large number of tech stories that have been happening so far this year, I’ve decided that there was too much important topical stuff to only cover one thing per week. To fix that, I’ve decided to do a catch-all article at the end of this month. Depending on how things go in the…

  • Old Browser Scam Has A New Twist

    Old Browser Scam Has A New Twist

    An old browser scam gets new life thanks to an innocuous feature in most browsers.

  • MobileSheets Pro Tips

    MobileSheets Pro Tips

    I’ve really been enjoying my digital music setup over the past few years. But the amount of flexibility and the sheer number of options available in the Android app I use (MobileSheets Pro) means that the learning curve (even for a tech-savvy user) can be extreme. To help make things a bit easier for other…

  • Monitor Password Breaches with Firefox Monitor

    Monitor Password Breaches with Firefox Monitor

    If you’ve been on the internet for more than a few months, you’ve probably heard about a large number of data breaches that have been happening recently. The website HaveIBeenPwned is a great resource that lets a visitor put in an email address and see whether or not that email address has been part of…

  • Browser Notifications Bugging You? Here’s How To Turn Them Off

    Browser Notifications Bugging You? Here’s How To Turn Them Off

    It seems like every website wants to send you notifications or know your location. Turn these off quickly and easily!