Tag: google

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  • (New) Trust Issues With Google

    (New) Trust Issues With Google

    I have been a Google fan for quite a few years. And while some of their business practices give me pause, I have more trust in Google than similar data-centric companies like Facebook. My fondness for Google has been tempered over the past couple of years by a series of unfortunate events, though. Things like:…

  • Why You (Yes, You) Need A Website

    Why You (Yes, You) Need A Website

    One question I get fairly often these days is about the need for a website, especially with the explosion of social and professional media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Soundcloud. My response is usually pretty simple: Maybe more than ever, if you don’t have a website now, you need one! While having social media profiles and…

  • Site Reveals Dangers of Free Android Apps

    Site Reveals Dangers of Free Android Apps

    While it’s pretty commonly known that the Google Play store is much less restrictive than the iOS App Store, it’s worth realizing that while that does make Android potentially more flexible, it also means users have a much great responsibility to ensure protection of their own data. Whether or not users have the time, experience,…

  • Social Media Paranoia: The New Normal?

    Social Media Paranoia: The New Normal?

    Security on social media is a constant balancing act. Lots of memes, quizzes, or trending topics look harmless, but if the whole Cambridge Analytica fiasco has taught us anything about social media’s potential pitfalls, paranoia is a much better (and safer) default attitude to have. The 10-Year Challenge Danger One thing that seems especially popular…

  • Apple vs. Facebook vs. Privacy (and Google too!)

    Apple vs. Facebook vs. Privacy (and Google too!)

    Sometimes seems like Facebook is going out of it’s way to be scummy. Love it or hate it, one thing Facebook has been repeatedly great at these past few years is going out of its way to get negative attention. Or, at least is seems that way sometimes. Facebook’s Latest Shit Storm (as of Early…

  • The UnGoogleification Continues: A New (To Me) Chrome Alternative

    The UnGoogleification Continues: A New (To Me) Chrome Alternative

    Since I do about half of my work online, the web browser is probably one of the most important programs I use. Indeed, for many people, the web browser is becoming the most important app on their computer. Today, the web browser is almost like a second operating system – I would venture to say…

  • Chrome Takes A(nother) Step Back From Privacy

    Chrome Takes A(nother) Step Back From Privacy

    Since 2008, Google’s Chrome browser has been boon for all users of the internet, but lately there have been some curious developments taking place within the Chrome browser (and Google itself). Remember, if you will, browsing the internet in 2008.Microsoft’s Internet Explorer had around 70% of the browser market, with Firefox right around 25%. Safari…

  • Life with a Chromebook – 1 Year In

    Life with a Chromebook – 1 Year In

    I posted awhile ago about moving from paper to digital music (you can find the original article here, and an update posted after a few months here), and so far I’ve quite enjoyed the change. While the vast majority of people who use digital music readers use iPads, I elected to go a slightly different…

  • Separating Yourself From Google – A Guide

    A couple of months ago I posted about how Google’s Android operating system has given Google vast amounts of knowledge about your activities, where you work, what you look at when you shop, and (probably) even more. This kind of information makes Google really great at predicting what information you may want and when you…

  • Android Tablets – Finally Dead?

    So it looks like Google may finally be putting the nail in the coffin of Android as a tablet operating system. Android tablets have always been a bit of a half-assed product from Google but in terms of hardware and software. As I mentioned a little bit in my Pixel C articles (here and here)…