Tag: practice
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Expert of Experts Died
One of the fathers of learning how we learn, Anders Ericsson, passed away last month.
Best Excerpt Materials for Horn
A collection of the best resources for learning French horn excerpts.
A Successful 1,000-Day Practice Challenge
An update on Jason Sulliman’s 1,000-Day Practice Challenge, and what it takes to be good.
(Over-)Commiting and Learning Under Stress
It’s tempting (for me) to try and cram these “empty” days with lots of backlogged work and projects. But that may not be a good idea.
The BEST Etude Collections for French Horn
Looking for etudes to practice? Here are some recommendations for any middle-high school player!
Lots of music, little time: Organizing Practice
Learning lots of repertoire is par for the course for most working musicians, whether they are freelancers or members of a full-time ensemble. For lots of students entering the professional music world, though, this a new experience. It’s often a shock from school performances, where you’ll often work for a couple of months (or more)…
Learning: The Inner Game Method
The Inner Game of Tennis is a great guide to learning as well as performance.