Tag: privacy
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Misleading Users and Empty Threats
Facebook starts pushing back against Apple app-tracking notifications, but still deceives users.
April 2021 Tech Roundup
This month I cover Google FLoC, Apple’s event, WordPress, new Facebook hacks, and more.
Research in Smartphone Data Collection
A report on both Android and iOS reveals some surprising (and not so surprising) results. But what is there to do?
What the FLoC is up with Google’s new tracking?
If you’ve heard about Google’s new FLoC tracking, here’s a quick and clear explanation of what it is, and how it could be abused.
Should Your Site Have HTTPS?
Is HTTPS really that important for a site that doesn’t accept payment information?
March 2021 Tech Roundup
Lots of security-related tech news this month. A huge Microsoft hack, a major WP plugin vulnerability, and more!
When DNS Attacks: CNAME Tracking
With major browsers blocking 3rd-party cookies, some companies have taken a much more invasive approach to tracking.
Google Giving Up User Tracking?
An announcement earlier this week shows Google is serious about reducing individual user tracking in its Chrome browser.
February 2021 Tech Roundup
February had lots of security and tech news: 4 big WordPress exploits, Windows, Android, Adobe, and more.
Google Services: Phishermans (New) Friend
Phishing campaigns are now riding on Google’s coattails and using Google services to add some legitimacy to their emails. Don’t be fooled!