Tag: privacy

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  • ISPs Lying About DoH

    ISPs Lying About DoH

    ISPs latest fight against their customers.

  • Google Will Automatically Delete Your (Worthless) Data

    Google Will Automatically Delete Your (Worthless) Data

    A little while ago, Google introduced the ability to automatically delete some of the data that it knows about you. While that seems like Google turning over a new more privacy-focused leaf, it might not be quite as meaningful as it first appeared. The setting, which you can find on Google’s Activity Controls Page, allows…

  • Google Calendar Spam is 2019’s Junk Mail

    Google Calendar Spam is 2019’s Junk Mail

    Junk mail, spam email, robocalls, and now…spam Google calendar events. I had the delightful experience of getting some of this spam about 2 weeks ago. Basically I just saw a repeating event for “Win a new iPhone” every day at 6-9pm that endlessly repeated. While this is definitely an annoying thing to have happen, resist…

  • The Quest to Cripple Encryption

    The Quest to Cripple Encryption

    It shouldn’t come as a surprise, but it looks like the Attorney General (as well as law enforcement in general) doesn’t understand how encryption works. At a cybersecurity conference at Fordham University in late July Barr lamented the expanding presence of encryption. In the speech, Barr is trying to play consumers (that use and benefit…

  • Amazon (Also) Wants Your Data

    Amazon (Also) Wants Your Data

    It’s not just Facebook and Google that are after data. It looks like the e-commerce juggernaut Amazon is getting into the action as well. This past Prime Day, Amazon offered $10 of Amazon credit for users that spent $50 and installed the Amazon Assistant extension. Amazon Assistant is an extension for almost every common web…

  • Facebook Study: New Name, Old Violations

    Facebook Study: New Name, Old Violations

    Facebook Study is a new (Android-only) way for Facebook to worm its way into your phone.

  • Apple vs. Facebook vs. Privacy (and Google too!)

    Apple vs. Facebook vs. Privacy (and Google too!)

    Sometimes seems like Facebook is going out of it’s way to be scummy. Love it or hate it, one thing Facebook has been repeatedly great at these past few years is going out of its way to get negative attention. Or, at least is seems that way sometimes. Facebook’s Latest Shit Storm (as of Early…