Deciding on a college is stressful, no matter what your major is going to be. Especially if you have multiple schools offering competing scholarships.
John Ericson over at has written a great article about two things to consider when you’re finalizing your college choice:
- Being pushed to respond to scholarship offers before the May 1 (undergraduate) or April 15 (graduate) deadline set by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) and the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC).
- Professors that charge for a horn lesson when they are part of the audition process. This is a very slippery slope, and John’s comments about it are an excellent read for college professors and future students.
If you’re a senior about to make a decision on college or your a sophomore or junior looking ahead, John’s article is worth reading. Don’t be pushed into a decision before you have to make one!
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