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New eBook Edition of a Great Resource for Brass Players

Eli Epstein’s Horn Playing from the Inside Out is one of my favorite horn (and general brass) pedagogy books.

His pedagogical approach is unique among many teachers. Instead of focusing on embouchure or air, alone, he takes a more holistic view. While the air and embouchure are quite important, Eli also discusses how the tongue and jaw work and interact within the oral cavity to create different pitches and dynamics.

If you haven’t read the book yet – or if you’re dead-set against buying paper books, then I’ve got some good news – the latest (3rd) edition of his book is now available as an eBook on Apple Books!

Horn Playing from the Inside Out – 3rd Edition

Eli Epstein, Horn Playing from the Inside Out book cover

The 3rd edition is broadly similar to the first edition, but revises some of his previous concepts for clarity/anatomical accuracy and adds more information (expanded sections on breathing and adding a section on choosing a horn).

If you don’t have a copy of Horn Playing from the Inside Out, I recommend picking up the 3rd edition. While you can’t buy this book from Amazon (not a bad thing), you can get a hard copy of the book from Osmun, Pope Repair, or Paxman (in London) for $24.95.

If you already have a copy of Horn Playing from the Inside Out (any edition), you may still be interested in the new eBook edition. The eBook not only contains the updated text of the 3rd edition, but it also includes:

15 MRI videos, 54 MRI images, 6 sound recordings from Eli Epstein: Orchestral Excerpts for Low Horn, and several links to Epstein’s pedagogical videos which illuminate and enhance the text.

At only $9.99, the Apple eBook is well worth the price for these multimedia features, even if you already own the book.

You can buy the Apple eBook edition of Horn Playing from the Inside Out here.

Horn Playing from the Inside Out Reviews

If you’re still not sure is worth the $25 (and if you’re a brass player, it is), here are some reviews of the book:

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