Tag: computer

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  • Even Computers Need A Fan

    Even Computers Need A Fan

    Computer running slowly or shutting off unexpectedly? I had this same issue (twice) and this is how I fixed it!

  • Code That Has Changed History

    Code That Has Changed History

    Code shapes our lives in more ways than most realize. Here are a few of the best and worst examples.

  • Open-source Dangers: Supply Chain Infection

    Open-source Dangers: Supply Chain Infection

    For software security, many people prefer open-source software. It’s usually functional and inexpensive, although it’s not always pretty. It also (generally) has a reputation for being more secure than closed-source software. But a rash of supply chain attacks have infected many popular open-source projects. Oftentimes the infected code is small and innocuous. As part of…

  • Understanding Email Headers

    Understanding Email Headers

    One of the most popular ways for people to get infected by malware is through email. One of my first online jobs was working for a company that is involved in email spam filtering. I still work for that company occasionally, and while it’s true that the technology to filter email has gotten more advanced,…

  • Bluekeep: Bad to Very Bad

    Bluekeep: Bad to Very Bad

    The Windows Bluekeep vulnerability was already bad. Now it’s even worse.

  • Update Your Router [NOW!]

    Update Your Router [NOW!]

    If you have Internet in your home, you probably have a router. Either you’re leasing one from your ISP (and you really should buy your own) or you bought one from Amazon or Best Buy. Your Router’s Function Either way, your router is one of the most vulnerable and critical pieces of your network. And…