Tag: horn ensemble
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The Vienna Horn in non-Viennese Ensembles
A look into using the Vienna horn within a non-Viennese ensemble.
Keep Your Air to Yourself: French Horn Bell Covers
A look at the different bell cover options for French horn players.
When NOT to Practice
How to plan your practice is a topic that I’ve covered before, but there’s a lot more to getting in “enough” playing than just sitting down for a practice session. The typical recommendation from the ever-popular Farkas book is that you need to get in 3 hours of practice per day, but there’s definitely more…
Top-Notch Resource for Any Horn Ensemble
As I write this, it’s just after the yearly Solo and Ensemble festival for my students, and so, of course, I just stumbled across an excellent resource for next year! The Kumamoto Horn Ensemble (KHE) The Kumamoto Horn Ensemble has been an active horn ensemble for almost 20 years, and their website is an outstanding…