Tag: security
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Facebook: Dumb or Evil?
There’s been lots of pretty negative news coming out of Facebook over the past few years. I’ve only touched on a couple of things (smartphone privacy, social engineering), but it’s looking more and more like Facebook is either grossly incompetant or a bad actor when it comes to respecting their customers information and privacy. The…
WinRAR Vulnerability Leaves Millions of Users at Risk
If you’ve been a computer user for any length of time, you’ve run across compressed files. In the old days, you’d have to download a separate program to be able to deal with these compressed files, at least on Windows. Thankfully, current versions of Windows now come with the ability to handle compressed archives. There…
Password Security Is No Joke
It’s no secret that online security is more important now than it was a decade ago. One of my own personal pet peeves, though, is the constant use of very bad password practices that are used by lots of people (me included)! Password Safety It’s become fairly common knowledge that having a long and strong…
Site Reveals Dangers of Free Android Apps
While it’s pretty commonly known that the Google Play store is much less restrictive than the iOS App Store, it’s worth realizing that while that does make Android potentially more flexible, it also means users have a much great responsibility to ensure protection of their own data. Whether or not users have the time, experience,…
Apple vs. Facebook vs. Privacy (and Google too!)
Sometimes seems like Facebook is going out of it’s way to be scummy. Love it or hate it, one thing Facebook has been repeatedly great at these past few years is going out of its way to get negative attention. Or, at least is seems that way sometimes. Facebook’s Latest Shit Storm (as of Early…
The UnGoogleification Continues: A New (To Me) Chrome Alternative
Since I do about half of my work online, the web browser is probably one of the most important programs I use. Indeed, for many people, the web browser is becoming the most important app on their computer. Today, the web browser is almost like a second operating system – I would venture to say…
Update Your Router [NOW!]
If you have Internet in your home, you probably have a router. Either you’re leasing one from your ISP (and you really should buy your own) or you bought one from Amazon or Best Buy. Your Router’s Function Either way, your router is one of the most vulnerable and critical pieces of your network. And…
Chrome Takes A(nother) Step Back From Privacy
Since 2008, Google’s Chrome browser has been boon for all users of the internet, but lately there have been some curious developments taking place within the Chrome browser (and Google itself). Remember, if you will, browsing the internet in 2008.Microsoft’s Internet Explorer had around 70% of the browser market, with Firefox right around 25%. Safari…
WannaCry Virus: What You Should Know
If you follow the news at all, you’ve probably heard at least something about the WannaCry ransomware virus that has been making life miserable for IT and security professionals every since last Friday. This malware is certainly the worst seen so far in 2017, and is one of the most quickly-spreading malware attacks ever, infecting…