Category: Tech
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Car Privacy
With all the technology talk about AI over the past year, some of the weirdness in auto technology (and privacy) seems to have fallen by the wayside. Mercedes First, this Mercedes ad essentially brags about how much a father can learn about his daughter only from her car. While these features are marketed as “helpful”…
Free Apps and Data Breaches
I’ve talked about the danger of “free” apps before. In short, while there are free apps that are great (primarily open-source software), most free apps are only free because the monetize their users in non-obvious ways. Often times this means having an ad platform (or multiple ad platforms) integrated into the app. Often times the…
The Honey Browser Extension
The Honey browser extension – which offers to find you coupon codes for online retailers – is being accused of a massive scam that both fails to find the deals it promises for its users and hijacks affiliate revenue from online creators that depend on that revenue to support their content channels. A years-long investigation…
Bing Now Trying to Trick Users
In what is surely going to be a short-lived “experiment”, Microsoft’s search engine Bing now tries to “disguise” itself as Google when users enter Google-related search terms within Bing. From The Verge: If you use Bing right now without signing into a Microsoft account and search for Google, you’ll get a page that looks an…
Finale’s Unforseen Farewell
With Finale’s sudden and disruptive departure, there’s a big hole left in the music notation software sector. However, there are lessons to be learned for the next surprise shutdown.
Locked Out of WordPress Dashboard – Database Editing Not Working
I have been doing some extensive work with client sites (and my own) that involve moving sites across the internet. Now, moving a standard site consisting of simple files is relatively easy. Simply copying and pasting the directory (and then adjusting any DNS settings) is all that is required to get these up an running.…
Android Presents Users With A Fitness-Tracker Quandry
Recent updates to Google’s fitness tracking services mean that Android users may need to think about their next fitness tracker.
Amazon Is Full of Flash Drives That Will Eat Your Data
Those too-good-to-be-true 1 terabyte flash drives you find on Amazon might be more dangerous than you realize. Here’s how to protect your data!
LastPass: Revenge of the Breach
The LastPass breach – as bad as it was – looks like it’s reached worst-case. Now the vaults are (likely) being cracked.
NSA Best Practices on Network Security
The need for basic network security has led the NSA to create a 9-page PDF with some of the best ways to protect your home (or work) network!