Tag: app review

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  • ScanScore Review: Scan and Edit Your Digital Music

    ScanScore Review: Scan and Edit Your Digital Music

    SmartScore is WIndows software designed to convert and edit sheet music to digital PDFs.

  • App Review: Hz Intonation

    Earlier this year I got an email from a developer, asking me to review a new tuner app. It looked interesting, and while I am just now getting around to it (sorry!), here is my look at the available on iOS. Hz Intonation Images Hz Intonation At-A-Glance Review Pros: Simple and attractive minimalist design Very…

  • App Review: TonalEnergy

    App Review: TonalEnergy

    While it’s been awhile since I’ve done a tuner/metronome app review, I’ve been wanting to do a write-up of TonalEnergy for a while. It is an incredibly popular app for all levels of musicians, and it may be most commonly known as the app that has a smiley face when you play a note in…

  • App Review: Tunable

    App Review: Tunable

    The second app in my series of musical app reviews is Tunable, by Affinity Blue. This is a much more well-rounded app than ClearTune, featuring a tuner, metronome, and a recorder. Tunable is available on both , , and even the (for Amazon Fire tablets) for $2.99. Like before, my screenshots and my thoughts come…

  • App Review: ClearTune

    App Review: ClearTune

    Tuners are an incredibly important tool for all musicians, and it’s important that students have quick and easy access to a good tuner. Since there are so many tuner and metronome apps on the market (and I’m sick of students saying “I don’t know which one to get!”) I’m going to start reviewing them, to help…

  • App Review: Official Quality Tones App

    App Review: Official Quality Tones App

    Accuracy is probably the number one concern for most beginning to intermediate horn players. Until your ear, embouchure, and air become well developed, hitting the correct note – especially the first note – can seem like a crap shoot. That is precisely what the developer of the Quality Tones app wants to improve. What Are…