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Home » Summer Project – Flesh Out Your Bio!

Summer Project – Flesh Out Your Bio!

If you’re a musician, you need to have a biography ready-to-go on a moment’s notice.

If you’re a bit of an over-achiever, you may even have a few different bios – all with different word counts – so that you can be prepared for any bio requests.

If you’re looking to expand your biography with some grade-A musical word salad, the CCCBSG is for you! Simply click “Generate”, change around some details, and voila – instant Serious Musician Cred™.

If you didn’t visit the link above, CCCBSG stands for “Contemporary Classical Composer’s Bullshit Generator“, and while this is very deep in the intersection of the musican/nerd Venn diagram, it’s also pretty funny.

The CCCBSG was developed by UK composer Dominic Irving.

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