Tag: horn teaching
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The Danger of “Natural Technique”
It feels like calling a young player “a natural” is a compliment, but it actually can delay long-term growth.
Horn Nerd: Meticulous Terms Edition
After years of teaching, there are a select few words that really get under my skin. But I found a new one recently!
New Year, New (and Better) Posture
2020 beat up on everyone. Long hours of sitting and not being able to go out as much as normal gave me new awareness into the importance of posture.
Recording the Horn – Mics and Techniques
Over the past 8 months, musicians have been forced to become recording engineers. If you want to improve your setup, this video can help.
How to Be A Creator: Follow The Practice
The Practice – a new book by Seth Godin – is an essential read for any creator. And we are all creators.
Keep Your Air to Yourself: French Horn Bell Covers
A look at the different bell cover options for French horn players.
All-State Progress Stalled? Audit Your Practice Diet
With All-State auditions coming up soon, take stock of your practice diet if you’re feeling like you may not be improving.
Julie Landsman: Conn, Caruso, and Confidence
Julie Landsman is one of the most influential horn players and teachers today.
Music, College, and COVID
If you’re a college music student (or will be soon), I hope you’ve read this article: An Impossible Choice: Music Majors, COVID-19, and an Uncertain Future. I’m a bit late to it (it was originally published on August 17), but the authors do a great job of distilling the mental and monetary calculations that have likely…