Tag: orchestra

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  • Keep Your Air to Yourself: French Horn Bell Covers

    Keep Your Air to Yourself: French Horn Bell Covers

    A look at the different bell cover options for French horn players.

  • Beethoven + Statistical Analysis =…

    Beethoven + Statistical Analysis =…

    A statistical analysis of Beethoven attempts to find what made his music great.

  • Best Excerpt Materials for Horn

    Best Excerpt Materials for Horn

    A collection of the best resources for learning French horn excerpts.

  • The Arts and Social Justice

    The Arts and Social Justice

    An excellent article from Jason Haaheim about how art and arts orgs are more important now than ever.

  • Transposition: Useful or Waste of Time?

    Transposition: Useful or Waste of Time?

    Is transposition a necessary skill for all horn players?

  • Some Humor For Your Next Practice Break: 2SetViolin

    A bit of musical humor, courtesy of the Youtube channel 2SetViolin.

  • Great Web Resource for Brass Players

    Great Web Resource for Brass Players

    I recently found another great online resource for every brass player – Check it out!

  • How Important Is Intonation? It Depends.

    How Important Is Intonation? It Depends.

    Intonation. Almost everyone who has played any instrument with flexible intonation has been told that they are out-of-tune. In some of the middle and high school bands I work with, the director will go up and down the rows with a tuner, telling students that they are flat or sharp, or simply telling students to…

  • Performance Anxiety: Classical vs. Pop Musicians

    Performance Anxiety: Classical vs. Pop Musicians

    An interesting blog post over on BulletProofMusician.com takes a look at the difference in levels of performance anxiety between traditionally-trained classical musicians and musicians in other genres. The blog article looks at two different studies. One study by British researchers used 244 musicians, of which about half were classical musicians and the other half a…

  • 3 Famous Tuba Players Talk Audition Preparation

    3 Famous Tuba Players Talk Audition Preparation

    A doctoral dissertation by tubist Golden Lund from the University of Nebraska takes a look at one of the biggest challenges facing any perspective orchestral player – audition preparation. In his document, he examines how different (successful) teachers prepare their students for auditions – looking for similarities and differences that may account for their success…