Category: Horn
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Social Media and Practice Efficiency
Social media apps can have a negative effect on lots of things – including practice.
Music, College, and COVID
If you’re a college music student (or will be soon), I hope you’ve read this article: An Impossible Choice: Music Majors, COVID-19, and an Uncertain Future. I’m a bit late to it (it was originally published on August 17), but the authors do a great job of distilling the mental and monetary calculations that have likely…
All State: Plan Your Practice
Getting your Kentucky 2020 All-State music ready is a simple process. But like all processes, it starts off with a good plan!
Julius Watkins and the French Horn in Jazz
A look at one of the first and most influential jazz horn players – Julius Watkins.
Practice Hacks From Canadian Brass Trumpeter
Break out of your practice rut with this video of 8 great practice tips in 3 minutes!
Quarantine Recital
A quarantine recital was a welcome (and rare) chance to perform for a “live” audience!
Can Too Much Analysis Lead To Paralysis?
The idea that knowing “too much” can actually make you worse is not new for musicians. But is it true?
Farkas Mouthpieces: Troubles and Alternates
The Holton-Farkas line of mouthpieces and the idea of “horn lips”.
Finding the Hours
Being good is simple, but it’s not easy. Here’s the best way to make the time to be good.