Tag: firefox
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Problems with Password Managers
A member of Google’s security research team, Project Zero, has some concerns about password managers.
What the FLoC is up with Google’s new tracking?
If you’ve heard about Google’s new FLoC tracking, here’s a quick and clear explanation of what it is, and how it could be abused.
Should Your Site Have HTTPS?
Is HTTPS really that important for a site that doesn’t accept payment information?
March 2021 Tech Roundup
Lots of security-related tech news this month. A huge Microsoft hack, a major WP plugin vulnerability, and more!
When DNS Attacks: CNAME Tracking
With major browsers blocking 3rd-party cookies, some companies have taken a much more invasive approach to tracking.
Apple Makes Fingerprinting (A Bit) Harder
Your browser has a unique fingerprint, but Apple recently rejected some features to make it even more identifiable.
Monitor Password Breaches with Firefox Monitor
If you’ve been on the internet for more than a few months, you’ve probably heard about a large number of data breaches that have been happening recently. The website HaveIBeenPwned is a great resource that lets a visitor put in an email address and see whether or not that email address has been part of…
Browser Notifications Bugging You? Here’s How To Turn Them Off
It seems like every website wants to send you notifications or know your location. Turn these off quickly and easily!