Tag: triple horn

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  • Horn Shops and “Custom” Horns

    Horn Shops and “Custom” Horns

    John Ericson, of HornMatters.com recently visited the shop of Patterson Hornworks in Las Crusces, New Mexico, and posted a short blog article about his visit. If you’ve never been inside the shop of an active brass instrument maker (or good repair shop), this article is worth checking out for the pictures alone. It’s incredible to me what these craftspeople…

  • Wiseman Horn Case Review

    Wiseman Horn Case Review

    So, it finally happened. I have long lusted after a fancy and very cleverly-designed Wiseman horn case. Although there has been a tiny renaissance of horn cases over the past 15 years or so, with lots of different case designs from companies like Marcus Bonna, Protec, Cardocase, and quite a few more. Over the past…

  • Horn Nerd: Bumper Material Edition

    Horn Nerd: Bumper Material Edition

    A recent post over at Hornmatters.com about different types of bumper material was both very informative and a great reminder that I’m not the only horn player that tends to the analytical side. The Hornmatters.com post, which you can read here, links over to Siegfriend’s Call, where you can read about the ten different types…