Tag: project fi

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  • (New) Trust Issues With Google

    (New) Trust Issues With Google

    I have been a Google fan for quite a few years. And while some of their business practices give me pause, I have more trust in Google than similar data-centric companies like Facebook. My fondness for Google has been tempered over the past couple of years by a series of unfortunate events, though. Things like:…

  • 2 New(ish) Options for Cell Plans: Never Overpay Again

    2 New(ish) Options for Cell Plans: Never Overpay Again

    I’ve talked about Project Fi before. It’s an exciting and new twist on cell phone service – fairly cheap cell service, but you pay for only what you use. Down to the megabyte! The data rate is not super cheap – $10/gig – but you only pay for what you use (down to the MB).…

  • Android to iOS: Why I Switched

    So I did something a few weeks ago that I never really thought I would do. I switched from an Android phone (I’ve used Android phones since the original Android phone – the T-Mobile G1) to an iPhone (more specifically, the iPhone 8). I did this for a few reasons, which I’m putting down for…

  • Stay Away from Project Fi – Maybe

    Stay Away from Project Fi – Maybe

    I’ve written a little bit about Google’s cell phone provider – Project Fi. You can read a bit about Project Fi here and a bit about data savings for Project Fi here. In general, my wife and I have been pretty happy with the Fi service and savings. Be warned: if you use more than…

  • Get the Most Out of Google’s Project Fi

    Get the Most Out of Google’s Project Fi

    I’ve been on Google’s Project Fi for a couple of weeks, and I wanted to put together a few things that I’ve found that can help new users to get the most out of Project Fi. If you don’t know about Google’s Project Fi cell phone service, I have a short introduction to Project Fi right…

  • Google Fi – A New Sort of Cell Phone Service

    Google Fi – A New Sort of Cell Phone Service

    Recently, both my wife and I decided to upgrade our phones. Since we’re always looking to keep our monthly expenses as low as possible, I had been taking the opportunity to not only research the best phone value but other cell providers, if the price was right. Enter Google Fi – a cell phone provider with a…