Tag: college

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  • What to Expect at (Some) College Auditions

    What to Expect at (Some) College Auditions

    A look at one possible approach to college auditions in the time of COVID.

  • Music, College, and COVID

    Music, College, and COVID

    If you’re a college music student (or will be soon), I hope you’ve read this article: An Impossible Choice: Music Majors, COVID-19, and an Uncertain Future. I’m a bit late to it (it was originally published on August 17), but the authors do a great job of distilling the mental and monetary calculations that have likely…

  • Deciding On A College? 2 Things To Consider

    Deciding on a college is stressful, no matter what your major is going to be. Especially if you have multiple schools offering competing scholarships. John Ericson over at HornMatters.com has written a great article about two things to consider when you’re finalizing your college choice: Being pushed to respond to scholarship offers before the May…