Tag: network
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NSA Best Practices on Network Security
The need for basic network security has led the NSA to create a 9-page PDF with some of the best ways to protect your home (or work) network!
Millions of Routers Vulnerable: Patch (& Check) NOW!
A vulnerability in software used by dozens of router manufacturers puts home networks at risk. Find out if you’re vulnerable, and update your router!
November 2021 Tech/Security Roundup
This month’s update includes several new WordPress vulnerabilities, the GoDaddy breach, vulnerabilities in Netgear routers and 40% of smartphones, and more.
My Book Live Fiasco Shows Dangers of Unsupported Devices
Some users of My Book Live devices woke up last week to find all their data gone. Here’s what we know (so far) and what we can learn from this.
Amazon Sidewalk: Should You Share Your Network?
A lot has been made about Amazon’s forthcoming Sidewalk service. Here’s what you need to know before it rolls out on June 8.
May 2021 Tech Roundup
Lots of security news this month: WiFi is (kind of) broken, iOS and Android have major vulnerabilities, and that’s just the beginning!
FCC/ISPs Acknowledge Necessity of Internet
The FCC and ISPs (finally) recognize data caps are useless, and the Internet is important.
Internet of (Useless) Things
The Internet of Things brings connectivity, but that’s not always a good thing.
New Vulnerability Targets Cable Modems
A new vulnerability shows that even cable modems are free from exploits.