Category: Tech
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Google Engineer is Sherlock Holmes for USB Type C Cables
One of the potential downsides to the newest two Nexus phone models, the Nexus 5X and the Nexus 6P, as well as the new Google Pixel C (among all its other downsides) and the Chromebook Pixel is that they both switch out the usual microUSB ports that are the standard for just about every smartphone…
The Google Pixel C – What’s Up With That?
When Google announced the Pixel C – a combination tablet/laptop similar to a Windows Surface or Apple iPad Pro, but running Android and not ChromeOS – it seemed like a bit of an odd announcement. The “Pixel” name is used for high-end Google-designed hardware devices. It has recently been used for the top-of-the-line Chromebooks which are similar to…
T-Mobile, AT&T, Comcast: Net “Neutrality”
Over the past few years, one of the political issues most near and dear to my heart has been net neutrality. Net neutrality is, essentially, the idea that all traffic on the internet – whether a video, music, web page, or image – from any source, should all be treated the same. This means that traffic from…